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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Vape Boundless Vapes - CF - CFX - CF - Hybrid - Tera

The above pics have now been conquered....
It involved some nice clouds, some cougherousness, some nose blowing, some eyes running and now some @Stevenski staring at the floor for moments at a time in between trying to type this....

That is how I am right now TBH.
I am still yet to drill it out but I confirm the pipe screen style is much more effective at producing clouds and vapour with the wpa then the disc that comes with it :)
I still have the original big screen in the bottom though
I still have the original big screen in the bottom though
Your spare Mighty screen will/should replace it(I hope, I ordered a spare set for that reason) and doesn't keep falling out!
Your spare Mighty screen will/should replace it(I hope, I ordered a spare set for that reason) and doesn't keep falling out!
True - did you replace the bottom one too?
I have larger pipe screens anyway I can try
True - did you replace the bottom one too?
Every time I emptied the Tera the bowl screen would fall out. It was the first thing I changed from standard, I installed the spare screen that came with my Plenty reducer, I think that is the same size as the Mighty screens.:thumbsup:
Every time I emptied the Tera the bowl screen would fall out. It was the first thing I changed from standard, I installed the spare screen that came with my Plenty reducer, I think that is the same size as the Mighty screens.:thumbsup:
Sweet I will give this a go too
I can see how it will improve vapour as with the wpa and the GH original tip, plus yes the falling out every time you empty is annoying
It is interference fit, use the Plenty brush handle to seat it.
I am now using the top hat screen from a vapxhale (the same one used for the CF/x mod). It is a tighter fit, I had to use my Plenty brush to expand it a bit to get it over the threads and twisted it on, very secure now. On closer inspection the vapexhale hat is the same as the Arizer tower screens, just crimped tighter near the flange, I measured both and they are simply 16mm dome screens crimped at the flange for different jobs so I have found a very cheap alternate that will fit fine with a bit of squeezing/crimping, 2 or 10 pack(2 is plenty, they don't wear out unless you flame clean):thumbsup:;

I am now using the top hat screen from a vapxhale (the same one used for the CF/x mod). It is a tighter fit, I had to use my Plenty brush to expand it a bit to get it over the threads and twisted it on, very secure now. On closer inspection the vapexhale hat is the same as the Arizer tower screens, just crimped tighter near the flange, I measured both and they are simply 16mm dome screens crimped at the flange for different jobs so I have found a very cheap alternate that will fit fine with a bit of squeezing/crimping, 2 or 10 pack(2 is plenty, they don't wear out unless you flame clean):thumbsup:;

Nice, cheers for the link bud

EDIT : Actually the two pack are 12mm and the 10 apck are 16mm

I will grab the 10 pack I guess...lol
If you read the description on the Egay US link for 2 you will see, as usual, the Yanks call it different to everyone else (like date order), they give the ID of the screen where the 10 pack is an OD measurement...they are the same size.:horse:
If you read the description on the Egay US link for 2 you will see, as usual, the Yanks call it different to everyone else (like date order), they give the ID of the screen where the 10 pack is an OD measurement...they are the same size.:horse:
ah okay
All good, I got the 10 pack anyway :)
I just tried a mighty dosing cap in the tera with glass mp
I think it gave a bit thicker clouds.....maybe a bit more conduction....
was tasty too
will have to test again later to confirm but yer it works at any rate
I am really enjoying the glass mouthpiece, just a while ago,

See the smiling Spartan?
Feckin stand still traffic after going to see daughter's HSC art final work exhibition

Tera got me through it
No longer Tera-fied of traffic

Lovely clouds and flavour since the pipe screen mods too.....
Had a friend visit yesterday that is a 40+ year smoker and I thought I would experiment on him.:science:
I gave him a draw on my Tera after showing him how to (warmed it up for him:dog:) with the short glass mouthpiece on 220C and he loved it, I then did the same with my Mightty but at 200C and I only had a small warm-up toke, he really liked that too!
I then said one of the units is nearly AU$500 and the other is near AU$250. He said he could tell straight away the plastic one was cheaper. I said one is made in Germany and the other China, again he said "the plastic one has to be the Chinese one and that it was nearly as good as the metal one" he said the plastic one seemed like good value but the quality of the metal one shone through!
I then showed him all the extra features of the Tera over the Mighty, s/s oven, quick swap batteries, heat up time, all the extra included parts(wpa etc) then I dropped the bombshell that the Tera was the cheaper Chinese unit, he could not believe it.

I have only had my Mighty for just over a week, but I am sure I like the Tera more, my material seems to last longer in the Tera too, I usually get 3x5 min sessions to a bowl, the Mighty taste soon degrades after the start, I get maybe 8-10 minutes out of a bowl.:thumbsup:

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VGoodiez 420EDC