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Accessories Phattpiggies Wood Shed

@momofthegoons 'pop' is the word and the brass accents match well with the thin lines in the acrylic.
I'm beginning to understand why people have multiple stems from you
Just so happens these 2 are off to a customer who's bought quite a lot in the past.

Finished the 14mm piece, a couple of pictures of the 'condenser' in situ.

And the finished article, the BW has some really nice stuff going on.
Pure chance I set this picture up and got the face to come thru so well.
Beautiful work phatts. Crazy cool how far you have come in such a short time. It seemed like just a couple mos. ago that we were talking about you making your own stem for your personal use and now look what you've gone and done. I'm very happy for you. And I always totally dig your work.
@momofthegoons how about a bit of Sumac and Padauk and Cocobolo.
Induction Heater enclosure.

All off cuts or scrap wood put together so my friend can relax as he enjoys using it, while I get some Spanish sun on my body and Spanish food and beer in my belly, no greenery family holiday.

This one has made me think about how the next one will go, I really like the square corners and will be moving stuff about on the PCB to make it more 'log' shaped.

Book matched wood and a mortice cutter are on the cards.

Had a couple of 'challenging' pieces to work out as well but plenty of pictures and communications has helped me, a non glass owner, try and put something together.
No idea how they will work until they get tried out.

An 18mm male is fine to turn but a 14mm female in the male had me scratching my head.
Tapered cutters in the size I need are non existent over here and too expensive elsewhere.
So I fashioned a tapered chisel.

Ovangkol 14mm female

Condenser looks lost in there, the joints not 100% but it seals and I can create a vacuum with it.

18mm male

And in the same wood a whip adapter, hopefully the taper will fit the MP's of a couple of bits of glass.
Again a full length condenser turned for 10mm tube.

18 and 14mm joints for scale
Got some goodies in the mail courtesy of @phattpiggie and @Pipes this week! It's amazing seeing the improvement in piggies craftsmanship.. Intense twists, telescopic blackwoods, brass accents with Mokume composite and built in condensers. Truly amazing work! I sure hope you make it to a craft show some day.. My Grandpa would have loved your work, he always liked making pens. I think some of your designs would fit right in at one of his wood working shows!


Top to bottom we have Osage orange, Blackwood and black-cobalt mokume with aluminium accents, blackwood and red-gold mokume with brass accents, telescopic blackwood twist and Chakte Kok at the bottom. Impossible to get a good shot of the mokume but they turned out fantastic. Very dense and smooth, the grain swirls around it and it has ltitle flecks of metallic pieces in it that look amazing with the accent bands. Really impressive stuff!

I was very surprised with how good the Osage turned out. Tiger stripe grains that shift when you move it, almost iridescent. The wood sands extremely well and ended up so smooth it feels like ivory or something; awesome material. Something about a "plain" piece of wood turning out with that detail just makes it more special to me. Like obviously you expect the Mokume with accents and such to look amazing, considering all the work that went into it and how cool the base material is.. But when you make something that looks just as incredible out of a single blank of wood that's some magic right there.

Obligatory family pic!
Well..... I feel like I can play with the big kids now. :biggrin:

After much anticipation and some teasing from @phattpiggie and @Ed's TnT about how beautiful it was.....

They were right. Oh. My. God.

Bird's Eye Zebrano with Blackwood and Brass accents.


I am totally enamored with it. :biggrin: And now I've got the bug...........

And cannot wait to see what he makes for my Skeletor when he can fit me in again......

And a few surprises up my sleeve with some help from phattpiggie....... :naughty2:
Beautiful work always @phattpiggie you are the man! Love seeing what you do, really dig the length and twists in the pieces above, well done!

@Prolusio Nice collection you got there, honestly thats a bunch of stems bro, like the variety!

@momofthegoons Lol, you know was all fun with me and PP pulling your leg! You got a beautiful piece, no doubt. I am sure you are enjoying it very much. Soon enough youll have even more wood, you have been a log hog and wood hoarder yourself for alotta years. Am looking forward to hearing what you think!
@Prolusio many thanks and it was a pleasure, wasn't pleasant waiting for the tracking to let me know you'd go them, I had less stress sending out to Thailand.

@Ed's TnT will know what it's like turning a blank and thinking 'where did that come from', the Osage showed very little sign of what was going on inside.

Thanks Ed, got some more twists coming. A flat longer pitch this time. Vape on and zone out time.

Mom so pleased you like it and I think the 'Figured wood' brief was fulfilled, I saw it and knew it was something special.
As for the teasing, had to be done. Luckily Ed has the devil in him as well.

And a few surprises up my sleeve with some help from phattpiggie....... :naughty2:

Yes pull your bloody finger out woman.:lol:

A video of Moms stem that I had to hold back on posting.

And a half bowl of kief, M tip and an Induction Heater, not much got done after this and I finished the bowl some time later.
I'm off down to Spain soon and I'm looking forward to it, Mrs PP deserves a break from work and a break from coming home from work and me saying 'look what I made today'.

An 18mm joint with MP was always going to be a challenge to get right, the top end of the taper is so big I was worried it would end up looking like a fat girl in leggings.
I turned a lot of it down to try and get a more balanced look and feel.


It's a polyester rather than acrylic blank and not nice to turn, ribbons or chips as and when it feels like it, even with the lightest touch in some places the chisel just dug in.

Also had an re-explore of the VC pipe idea, the induction heater makes it a lot easier.
My lighter mod allowed me to spin the first one I made now there's no worries like that.
Very easy to combust especially when you've done two bowls trying to get a video together, this is after the click, the first tokes were lite and tasty.

I'll be getting my head down when I get back as there's a UK guy wanting to stock my stems in his online shop. Never imagined a year ago I'd still be here let alone doing a big'ish order for someone else.
It's been a month since I lasted posted here, holidays, a bad eye , breakages and supplier issues has sort of knocked me back a bit, but it's all coming together again and it's always good to see stems coming together.
First up is a Walnut Twist, it was supposed to be one of a pair but....

the second Kingwood one had other ideas and when a couple of cracks appeared I was hoping to cut below them and save the main part of the twist for something else, not to be.

I think I've got a final design for some VC/Milaana adapters, the first one, RHS, was a proper pain to remove from the 18mm glass.


Had a week off turning as I got my self an eye infection, rather than do things which required 2 eyes for full depth perception I sorted my Induction Heater set up. Magnets robbed from another vape.

My Skeletor arrived and it's just a matter of having the time to work out how best to make enclosures.
The hard part is going to be making them so there is a minimal amount of fuss to get them to fit when sent out and I've got to learn a new skill set but that's all part of the fun.

Had a blank delivery which allowed me to make a bit of progress once my eye got it's shit together,
Top to bottom
Bog Oak, Koa, Macassar Ebony, Classic Green Conway Stewart and a single pearl acrylic

One in the jig is a 'Dark Matters' inspired, the Ebony will get coned and Twisted and the other is going to be a 14mm with a Blackwood MP.

Classic Green it did not look until I turned it down

After a dry sand with 600 grit, I left it a bit thicker so the Italian acrylic takes centre stage.

And a wet sand with 1200 grit

I have had a quick Google about and from what I could see no one else has made an aftermarket MP for this vape, I may be wrong.
This is a practice one, if it's liked then I'll be doing another for this customer and a couple more to see how they go, full length SS condenser in this Tulipwood.
@momofthegoons you've no idea how many pieces of dyed, stabilised and hybrid blanks I've looked at since I got into this.
A lot of stunning pieces popping up on IG, some guy did one that looked like lava.
Time, space and money are the only things stopping me from setting up and doing my own.
Every time I set the BBQ going I'm looking at bits of lumpwood and imagining the voids being filled with some bright, bright resin.
In the words of Marshal
I did two Dark Matters style stems, they started life like this

And ended up looking like this

The RHS one has a slightly longer hot end, 10mm of acrylic and aluminium accents. LHS has brass and 6mm acrylic.
Both 120mm, Blackwood ends, Bog Oak and Indian Summer.

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VGoodiez 420EDC