When I first started vaping, there were far fewer options out there to choose from than there are now. One of the options that appealed to me most was the log vape. So... what is a log vape?
Simply put, it's a vaporizer made out of wood. The plus side of this style of vaporizer is that it can be left on 24/7. Most of the older styles take no more electricity than a night light; especially when using a standard 12v wall wart. Another plus is the small amount used in a session. They are truly herb conservers. And when used with variable voltage can be cloud beasts. They can also be used for aromatherapy by placing a small cup with essential oils on top of the heat port.
My first experience was with the Aromazap... shown here with stems made by
@Ed's TnT
Next up was the Rockzap.. this had a cement core for insulation and was a prototype.
Which led to the CRZ (CeramicRockZap) which had ceramic insulation...
Unfortunately, the whole Zap line is no longer available.
I also purchased the Toasty Top.
And from the same maker, the HI
And from Epicvape, the eNano...
And the newest creation from Ed's TnT; the WoodScents.
An action shot with the WoodScents through water...
All those hits and two more from this...
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